
fly --target example login --team-name my-team \
    --concourse-url https://ci.example.com -u admin -p admin

Concourse deployments can be occupied by multiple teams. To specify the team to which to log in, specify the --team-name or -n flag. If not specified, this defaults to the main team.

The login command will see which authentication methods are available for the specified team and prompt you to choose one. For basic auth, it will ask your username and password and use them to acquire a token. For OAuth, it will give you a link to click, and after you've gone through the OAuth flow it will print an OAuth token on the page that you can then copy and paste into the prompt.

In any case, a token is saved in your ~/.flyrc, which will expire after one day.

After you've logged in you can use --target example (or -t example for short) to run a command against the saved target example. For example, fly -t example builds will list the last few builds on the example Concourse instance.

Reference: https://concourse-ci.org/fly.html#fly-login


Created by Bin Chen on 2020/05/05 08:15

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