1.1 API Groups

新建 Microsoft Word 文档_html_9d1cd7d9fdccbd0f.png

新建 Microsoft Word 文档_html_5296a424911051f6.png

新建 Microsoft Word 文档_html_2ba403becfb423d5.png

1.2 Access API

curl http://localhost:6443 –k --key admin.key --cert admin.crt --cacert ca.crt

1.2.1 kubectl proxy

kubectl proxy

Starting to serve on

Now you can access the kubectl proxy service at port 8001 and the proxy will use the credentials from kube-config file to forward your request to the kube api server.

curl http://localhost:8001 -k

Created by Bin Chen on 2020/09/04 04:05

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